Welcome To The
Senior Challenge
“…sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence…”
– 1 Peter 3:15
The Senior Challenge is an opportunity for graduating seniors to spend part of their spring semester working through major life topics with Pastor Chad. Throughout this time, Pastor Chad will walk alongside students as they seek to study, explain and defend their biblical worldview in a way that is both practical and evangelistic. By the end of the course students will be better prepared for their transition into adulthood.
Registration Live – Closes October 16.
Course Syllabus Download
Session One & Two – Knowing and Abiding in Christ
Wednesday, January 15 & 22 | 6:15 – 8pm
Purpose: Students will be able to identify true spirituality, be able to give a clear gospel presentation and effectively share your testimony.
Passage: John 15:1-11
Pre-Session Work:
- Read Section 1: Freedom Now from the Bonds of Sin in “True Spirituality by Francis Schaeffer”
- Write out your personal testimony
- Study and be prepared to share the gospel using the included gospel tract
Session Three – Trusting God’s Word
Wednesday, January 29 | 6:15 – 8pm
Purpose: Students will be able to defend the inerrancy of God’s Word along with its relevance and divine nature so that one can confidently point to Scripture as the foundation for their beliefs. Also, students will be able to give an overview of scripture from Genesis to Revelation.
Passage: 2 Timothy 3:13-17
Pre-Session Work: Memorize 2 Timothy 3:13-17
Post Work: Write a one-page essay defending the inerrancy and divine nature of God’s Word.
Session Four – Appreciating God’s Design for the Home
Wednesday, February 5 | 6:15 – 8pm
Purpose: Students will be able to describe, explain, and defend God’s design for the family and the home on the basis of Genesis 1-2. Students will prayerfully and strategically consider how to engage the lost world on the topic of gender and identity.
Passage: Genesis 1:26-2:25
Post Work: Write a one-page essay describing God’s design for the home based on Genesis 1-2.
Session Five – Joining a Church
Wednesday, February 12 | 6:15 – 8pm
Purpose: Students will be able to define and describe a healthy church on the basis of Scripture as well as communicate the need for a local church body.
Passage: Acts (Various Passages)
Pre-Session Work: Read “I Am a Church Member” by Thom Rainer
Post Work: Write a one-page essay on the biblical importance of believers being involved in the local church including a list your top 5 marks of a healthy church to look for when finding a church home.
Session Six – Experiencing Persecution
Wednesday, February 19 | 6:15 – 8pm
Purpose: Students will be able to develop a biblical understanding of persecution and gain a global and historical perspective of Christian persecution.
Passage: 1 Peter 4:12-19
Pre-Session Work: Read Pages 265-286 of “The Insanity of God”
Session Seven – Discipline
Wednesday, February 26 | 6:15 – 8pm
Purpose: Students will be able to understand the unity between grace and discipline.
Passage: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Pre-Session Work: Read Chapters 1-2 of “A Disciplined Life.”
Session Eight – Forgiveness
Wednesday, March 5 | 6:15 – 8pm
Purpose: Students will be able to define biblical forgiveness and identify the markings of having truly forgiven someone.
Passage: Matthew 6:14-16