Local & National Missions Partners 

City Union Mission

City Union Mission is an evangelical Christian ministry committed to sharing the gospel and meeting the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of men, women, and children who are poor or homeless. You can support community assistance by having gospel conversations with those coming to City Union Mission,

Hope is Alive Christian Sober Living House

At HIA, we provide an environment that pushes each of our men or women to new levels of personal growth and progress. Our next level program encourages men to not only achieve sobriety, but to chase after their dreams. By developing their leadership skills, designing a path towards financial freedom, and instilling goal setting, the Hope is Alive program produces radical life at an exponential rate.

Local School and First Responders Outreach

LBC serves as a community partner to Sunflower and Silver City Elementary school. LBC also has a strong outreach to the First Responders in the community. There are many opportunities to serve the teachers and students. You can mentor children and provide simple assistance to teachers. Provide a meal or thank you

snacks for the teachers. Organize a group to help them clean up the school grounds or building. Serve lunch at a local fire or police station.

Volunteer: Contact Gaby Greener, ggreener@lenexabaptist.com.

Carry The Cross Ministries

Carry The Cross Ministries connects with children and families living in KCK who are in seemingly hopeless situations. They provide shelter and mentoring for families who are homeless. They have a heart to serve young adults who have aged out of foster care, ages 18-24. You can come to serve a meal play games with the kids who come every Monday night to the Bible study at The Firehouse at 6:00 pm. Or you can help mentor children, young adults, or families that are struggling. You can also help with neighborhood outreach, such as a cookout, block party, or door-to-door prayer.

Contact Jason at jneland@carrythecross.org or 913-515-0045 for more info.

Gracious Promise

Gracious Promise ministers to men and women who are in the Johnson County Jail system. GP offers support inside the jail and supports the transition back into society. 

Be a Visiting Angel by making jail visits to inmates who request visits. Mentoring men or women to help them transition back into the community, Teaching a Life Skill classes.

Volunteer: Contact Lu Ann Yager at 816-686-4104 or klyager@msn.com.

Shelter KC

Shelter KC is the former Kansas City Rescue Mission that is helping Kansas City’s homeless men and women experience freedom from the past and hope for the future. We believe the love of Jesus Christ changes lives. We see it happen here every day. Mission KC is a Christ-centered community offering freedom and hope to the poor and homeless, empowering them to reach their full potential. There are many ways to serve, coordinate a drive for needed items, be a Mentor, plan a summer work project like neighborhood clean-up, gardening, or hosting an activity for the clients. Or donate to help provide food, shelter, and compassionate care to the poor, hurting, and homeless men & women in our community.

Volunteer: Contact Chuck Patton cepjr494@gmail.com.

Resource Health

Resource Health exist to offer compassionate care to men and women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Our focus is to holistically empower the family unit through advocacy, education, mentoring, and discipleship. Our goal is to positively impact families now and for generations to come. We believe that EVERY life is valuable. That the sanctity of life worldview far outweighs the prevailing worldview of personal freedom.

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House of Hope Kansas City

Our mission is to be a guide in the healing process for teens, while also helping to pave the way for restoration of their family relationships. We offer an affordable residential program of healing for teen girls, ages 13-17, as well as a Family Counseling Center for teen girls and boys and their families. We believe through our ministry, we can be God’s instruments in reclaiming the stories of teenagers from trauma to triumph.

Healing House

Healing House is much more than a sober living house that provides a safe place for you to begin your new life in recovery. Its faith-based meetings and support groups provide comfort and encouragement. We will get you connected so that you can serve in your “sweet spot” and use your God-given abilities. From construction to cooking and outdoors to the office, we know we’ll find the perfect fit for you.


Rehope is a faith-based, long-term residential program for survivors of sex trafficking. Every gift or talent can be used to reach victims of sex trafficking in Kansas City. Do you have a service you can provide? Driving clients to appointments, hairstylist, medical or mental health professional are some of the needed services. You could mentor a victim, or model Christian love, or just be available to talk.

Advice & Aid Pregnancy Center

Your pregnancy center . . . Your Friend. Advice & Aid Pregnancy Centers helps women, and their families make an educated decision about an unplanned pregnancy. This is done by providing evidence-based medical information about parenting, adoption, and abortion. In many cases, an unplanned pregnancy is a very stressful situation. Advice & Aid Center staff provides a safe, confidential, and caring environment. Where there are concerns about relationships, housing, finances, or general health issues, our staff has knowledge of many resources and organizations that can help.

For opportunities to support this ministry, email volunteer@adviceandaid.com 

Joy Meadows

Joy Meadows seeks to transform the foster care system by increasing the capacity of foster homes so there are more available homes for more children, while at the same time retaining and supporting experienced foster parents, and providing excellent care and services to children while in foster care.

Mission Southside

Mission Southside has a neighbor’s heart … a heart that loves Jesus Christ and one that genuinely cares about the needs of others and bring hope to Johnson County, KS through the meeting of both physical and spiritual needs.

Refuge KC

Brining the hope of Christ to the Nations. RefugeKC exists to welcome our new-American neighbors with Gospel-focused ministries of mercy so they might know, love, and follow Jesus into His Kingdom.

Project 1020

Project 1020 is Johnson County’s only shelter for adults who are experiencing homelessness. A great place to help serve a hot meal, stock clothes and resources or give a friendly smile to someone who is needing the love of Christ.