#liveoutward is an initiative to encourage all believers to Reach, Teach & Unleash.  Reach so the lost are found, Teach so the found are equipped, and Unleash so the equipped are sent.

Engage those who do not have a relationship with Jesus with simple acts of kindness to prompt spiritual conversations and point them toward a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Each month, you will receive a different challenge to assist in connecting with people in your life who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus.

For each week in the month of January, find a way to send a text, email, or handwritten note to someone in your life who is not a believer to uplift them with scripture or a timely word of encouragement.


Download or print this month’s calendar to help you reach those in your circle of influence.

  • Who have I seen working diligently around me?
  • Who has been telling me about struggles they are having? What’s the best way to follow up?
  • Who do I have a fond memory with that means a lot to me? How can I share Jesus’s love with them?
  • Who do I want to get to know more? How can I admire something that I’ve noticed about them?
  • Is someone around me going through something that I have gone through in the past? How can my past experience encourage them?
  • Can I tell someone thank you for something they did? How can I appreciate and encourage them?

Use your devices

Download screensavers for your mobile phone, desktop or tablet to remind you each month to #liveoutward.

Share Your Story

Have you been able to #liveoutward? Others want to hear about it!

Trouble sharing Jesus?

Join the next Sharing Jesus without it Being Awkward training to help you navigate Gospel conversations in everyday life.