Men’s Tuesday Morning Bible Study

Men, start your day with the Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study to put a spark in your week.  Each meeting includes fellowship with men of all ages, group prayer, breakfast with a guest speaker four times a year, and invigorating Bible study brought by five rotating teachers.

Our next study begins April 15th with the book of Mark. You don’t need to wait until then, though! Join us anytime at 6:30 am in the Pastor’s Reception Room.

This year we are studying four different books of the Bible, alternating between the Old and New Testament:

  • Survey through Isaiah – January 28
  • Mark – April 15
  • Daniel – August 12
  • Colossians – November 11

Breakfasts dates are:

  • April 8
  • August 12
  • November 11

We do not meet on the following dates because of holidays and other conflicts:

  • March 18
  • June 24
  • November 25
  • December 23 and 30
Next study begins

 April 15

6:30 am
 Pastors Reception Room

Nelson Schutte
Pastoral Intern