40 Days of Prayer & Devotion to Easter


Thank you for participating in 40 Days of Prayer & Devotion to Easter, where you will learn practical ways to #liveoutward in our community.

Like ripples in a pond, our efforts to #liveoutward can have a huge impact on our community as we each take the time to connect with the people God has already placed in our paths. One simple word of encouragement, connection or act of kindness can lead to more connections, opportunities and possibly even the chance to share the Gospel.

Each day leading up to Easter, a new devotional will be added to this page in video and printable form to help you connect with those around you.

How can you #liveoutward today?


If you’ve taken the step to connect or pray with an unbeliever:

Week 1  |  Week 2  |  Week 3  |  Week 4  |  Week 5  |  Week 6

Week 1

Day 1 | Pastor Steve Barnes

Mark 16:15

Day 2 | Pastor Bill Shiflett

John 14:6

Day 3 | Pastor Nick Swearingen

Philippians 2:3

Day 4 | Pastor Kelly Hughes

2 Corinthians 5:20

Day 5 | Pastor Dave MacLachlan

2 Timothy 4:5

Day 6 | Pastor Bud Jones

Ephesians 2:10

Day 7 | Pastor Jim Fruth

1 Corinthians 11:1

Week 2

Day 8 | Pastor David Shaw

Matthew 9:37-38

Day 9 | Pastor Ryan McDaniel

Mark 10:25-27

Day 10 | Pastor Kent Hackathorn

1 Corinthians 2:1-2

Day 11 | Pastor Sam Sievers

Romans 10:14-15

Day 12 | Pastor Ryan Shatzer

John 15:13

Day 13 | Pastor Brian Griffin

Galatians 5:13

Day 14 | Pastor Kyle Wiltshire

Hebrews 6:10

Week 3

Day 15 | Pastor Tavis Hackathorn

Acts 2:38

Day 16 | Pastor Luke Pauli

Romans 12:13

Day 17 | Pastor Darren Oglesbee

1 Corinthians 1:17

Day 18 | Pastor Jonathan Slade

Romans 1:16-17

Day 19 | Pastor Bill Shiflett

Acts 8:29-31

Day 20 | Pastor Kelly Hughes

Acts 5:42

Day 21 | Pastor Bud Jones

1 Corinthians 9:19

Week 4

Day 22 | Pastor Jim Fruth

Proverbs 11:30

Day 23 | Pastor David Shaw

Romans 12:10

Day 24 | Pastoral Intern Caleb Loyless

Mark 10:43-45

Day 25 | Pastor Sam Sievers

John 15:12

Day 26 | Pastor Ryan Shatzer

Matthew 5:16

Day 27 | Pastor Brian Griffin

Romans 12:11

Day 28 | Pastor Kyle Wiltshire

1 Corinthians 9:23

Week 5

Day 29 | Pastor Tavis Hackathorn

Hebrews 9:14

Day 30 | Pastor Luke Pauli

John 12:26

Day 31 | Pastororal Intern Seth Kelly

1 Samuel 12:24

Day 32 | Pastoral Intern Scott Johns

1 John 3:17

Day 33 | Pastoral Intern Tanner Baumgart

Acts 20:35

Day 34 | Pastoral Intern Nelson Schutte

John 13:14

Day 35 | Pastoral Intern Logan Pope

Philippians 2:4

Week 6

Day 36 | Pastor Bill Shiflett

Romans 12:1

Day 37 | Pastor Chad McDonald

Matthew 21

Day 38 | Live Devo

Day 39 | Live Devo

Day 40 | Live Devo